
时间:2008-5-31    作者:Deri    分类: 分享

   <p>  readfirst:</p><p>  1.upload files as normal way.Get the upload info from var $_FILES</p><p>  2.I use xajax as a lib ,so I don't hack any code but use the extend way,such as reload the class.</p><p>  So if someone use this extend,he would not need to change his code a bit.</p><p>  3.Working well on (win2k,winXP.sp2)IE 6.0+sp1 / firefox 1.5x,2.x (my OS only have these)</p><p>  4.It is kind that let me konw there is any problem of this extend.</p><p>  updates:</p><p>  2007-3-12 23:26:</p><p>  1.fix the FF endless loading problem(thx JensKlose 's tips).</p><p>  2.some tips for thoese who want to implement a upload progress meter , check out this link:</p><p>  <a href="http://www.phpclasses.org/blog/post/61-File-upload-progress-meter-for-PHP-4-at-last.html">http://www.phpclasses.org/blog/post/61- … -last.html</a></p><p>  There are only 3 files exists(actually,only 2 is necessary).</p><p>  1.xajaxExtend.php (server side script, save to the path as xajax.inc.php)</p><p>  2.xajax_js/xajax_extend.js (browser side script, save to the path as xajax.js)</p><p>  3.tests/uploadTest.php (demo(show you how it work), save to the tests path. Actually I modify this from tests/catchAllFunctionTest.php)</p><p>  save to /xajax_0.2.4/xajaxExtend.php</p><p>  Code:<code><?php<br />/**<br />* @author RainChen @ Mon Mar 12 23:25:46 CST 2007<br />* @uses xajax file upload extend<br />* @access public<br />* @version 0.1<br />*/<br />include_once('xajax.inc.php');<br />class xajaxExtend extends xajax<br />{<br />  <br />  function processRequests()<br />  {<br />    if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && isset($_GET['xajax']))<br />    {<br />      $this->initProcessRequests();<br />    }<br />    parent::processRequests();<br />  }<br />  <br />  function initProcessRequests()<br />  {<br />    $xajaxRequest = array();<br />    $xajaxRequest['xajaxr'] = @$_GET['xajaxr'];<br />    $xajaxRequest['xajax'] = @$_GET['xajax'];<br />    // reset RequestMode<br />    if(isset($_GET['xajax']))<br />    {<br />      $_GET['xajax'] = null;<br />      unset($_GET['xajax']);<br />    }<br />    // get the upload file local path<br />    foreach(array_keys($_FILES) as $name)<br />    {<br />      if(isset($_GET[$name]) && !isset($_POST[$name]))<br />      {<br />        $_POST[$name] = $this->_decodeUTF8Data($_GET[$name]);<br />      }<br />    }<br />    $xajaxargs = array($this->getOriginalData($_POST));<br />    $xajaxRequest['xajaxargs'] = $xajaxargs;<br />    $_POST = $xajaxRequest;<br />  }<br />  <br />  function getJavascript($sJsURI="", $sJsFile=NULL)<br />  {  <br />    $html = parent::getJavascript($sJsURI,$sJsFile);<br />    // get the extend js<br />    if ($sJsFile == NULL) $sJsFile = "xajax_js/xajax_extend.js";<br />    if ($sJsURI != "" && substr($sJsURI, -1) != "/") $sJsURI .= "/";<br />    $html .= "  <script type="text/javascript" src="" . $sJsURI . $sJsFile . ""></script><br />";<br />    return $html;<br />  }<br />  <br />  /**<br />   * get original request data from GET POST<br />  **/<br />  function getOriginalData($data)<br />  {<br />    if($data)<br />    {<br />      if(get_magic_quotes_gpc())<br />      {<br />        if (is_array($data))<br />        {<br />          foreach($data as $key=>$value)<br />          {<br />            $data[$key] = xajaxExtend::getOriginalData($value);<br />          }<br />        }<br />        else<br />        {<br />          $data = stripslashes($data);<br />        }<br />      }<br />    }<br />    return $data;<br />  }<br />}<br />?></code></p>
<p> </p>

   <p>  save to /xajax_0.2.4/xajax_js/xajax_extend.js</p><p>  Code:<code>/**<br />* @author RainChen @ Mon Mar 12 22:56:02 CST 2007<br />* @uses xajax file upload extend<br />* @access public<br />* @version 0.1<br />*/<br />function xajax_extend()<br />{<br />  if(typeof(xajax) == 'undefined')<br />  {<br />    return false;<br />  }<br />  <br />  xajax.isIE = (document.all && navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie')!=-1) || false;<br />  xajax.newSessionID = function()<br />  {<br />    var sessionID;<br />    sessionID = new String(new Date().getTime());<br />    var random = new String(Math.random( )).substr(2);<br />    sessionID = sessionID + random;<br />    return sessionID;<br />  };<br />  <br />  // overlay this if you need to<br />  xajax.setStatusMessages = function(msg)<br />  {<br />    window.status = msg;<br />  };<br />  <br />  // overlay this if you need to<br />  xajax.setCursor = function(cursor)<br />  {<br />     if (document.body)<br />      document.body.style.cursor = cursor;<br />  };<br />  <br />  var loadingTimeout;<br />  // overlay this if you need to<br />    xajax.beforeUpload = function()<br />    {<br />    // init status<br />    if(xajaxWaitCursor) xajax.setCursor('wait');<br />      if(xajaxStatusMessages) xajax.setStatusMessages('Sending Request...');<br />    clearTimeout(loadingTimeout);<br />    loadingTimeout = setTimeout("xajax.loadingFunction();",400);<br />    if (xajaxDebug) xajax.DebugMessage("Starting xajax...");<br />    };<br />  xajax.upload = function(rpcFunc,formID,url)<br />  {<br />    var form = xajax.$(formID);<br />    if(!form)<br />    {<br />      return false;<br />    }<br />    if(form.encoding.toLowerCase() != 'multipart/form-data')<br />    {<br />      form.encoding = 'multipart/form-data';<br />    }<br />    if(form.method.toLowerCase() != 'post')<br />    {<br />      form.method = 'post';<br />    }<br />    var newSessionID = xajax.newSessionID();<br />    <br />    xajax.beforeUpload();<br />    if(!url)<br />    {<br />      url = xajaxRequestUri;<br />    }<br />    var separator = '?';<br />    if(url.indexOf('?') != -1)separator = '&';<br />    url += separator + 'xajax='+encodeURIComponent(rpcFunc);<br />    url += "&xajaxr=" + new Date().getTime();<br />    // get the upload file local path<br />    var formItem;<br />    var nodeName;<br />    for(var i=0; i<form.getElementsByTagName('input').length; i++)<br />    {<br />      formItem = form.elements[i];<br />      nodeName = new String(formItem.nodeName).toLowerCase();<br />      if(formItem.name == '' || nodeName == 'button')<br />      {<br />        continue;<br />      }<br />      if(formItem.type == 'file')<br />      {<br />        url += '&'+formItem.name+'='+encodeURIComponent(formItem.value);<br />      }<br />    }<br />    form.action = url;<br />    <br />    var iframeName = form.id + newSessionID;<br />    var iframe;<br />    if((iframe = xajax.$(iframeName)))<br />    {<br />      document.body.removeChild(iframe);<br />    }<br />    iframe = xajax.createIframe(iframeName,iframeName);<br />    form.target = iframeName;<br />    var xmlDoc;<br />    var responseXML;<br />    if(typeof iframe.onreadystatechange == 'object') // for IE<br />    {<br />      iframe.onreadystatechange = function()<br />      {<br />        if(iframe.readyState == 'complete' && !iframe.loaded)<br />        {<br />          // IE load twice (bug or feature?)<br />          iframe.loaded = true;<br />          xmlDoc = document.frames(iframe.id);<br />          if(xmlDoc.window.document.location != iframe.src)<br />          {<br />            responseXML = xmlDoc.window.document.XMLDocument;<br />            xajax.uploadResponse(responseXML,iframe, xmlDoc);<br />          }<br />        }<br />      }<br />    }<br />    else // for FF<br />    {<br />      iframe.onload = function()<br />      {<br />        xmlDoc = iframe.contentWindow;<br />        if(xmlDoc.window.document.location != iframe.src)<br />        {<br />          responseXML = xmlDoc.document;<br />          xajax.uploadResponse(responseXML,iframe, xmlDoc);<br />        }<br />      }<br />    }<br />  };<br />  <br />  xajax.uploadResponse = function(responseXML,iframeObj, xmlDoc)<br />  {<br />    // response the xml<br />    var error=false;<br />    if(responseXML)<br />    {<br />      try<br />      {<br />        xajax.processResponse(responseXML);<br />      }<br />      catch(e)<br />      {<br />        error = true;<br />        //xajax.DebugMessage(e.description);<br />      }<br />    }<br />    else<br />    {<br />      error = true;<br />    }<br />    <br />    if(error)<br />    {<br />      var responseText = new String(xmlDoc.document.body.innerHTML);<br />      xajax.uploadFalse(responseText);<br />    }<br />    else<br />    {<br />      xajax.uploadSuccess();<br />    }<br />    // remove the iframe after response<br />    setTimeout(function(){document.body.removeChild(iframeObj)}, 500);<br />  };<br />  <br />  // overlay this if you need to<br />  xajax.uploadFalse = function(responseText)<br />  {<br />    var errorString = "Error: the XML response that was returned from the server is invalid.";<br />    errorString += "<br />Received:<br />" + responseText;<br />    var trimmedResponseText = responseText.replace( /^s+/g, "" );// strip leading space<br />    trimmedResponseText = trimmedResponseText.replace( /s+$/g, "" );// strip trailing<br />    if (trimmedResponseText != responseText)<br />      errorString += "<br />You have whitespace in your response.";<br />    xajax.DebugMessage(errorString);<br />    xajax.setCursor('default');<br />    if (xajaxStatusMessages == true) xajax.setStatusMessages('Invalid XML response error');<br />  };<br />  <br />  // overlay this if you need to<br />  xajax.uploadSuccess = function()<br />  {<br />    xajax.setCursor('default');<br />  };<br />  <br />  xajax.createIframe = function(name,id)<br />  {<br />    var iframe;<br />    if(!id)<br />    {<br />      id = '';<br />    }<br />    if(xajax.isIE) // for IE<br />    {<br />      iframe = document.createElement('<iframe id="'+id+'" name="'+name+'">');<br />    }<br />    else // for FF<br />    {<br />      iframe = document.createElement('iframe');<br />      iframe.id = id;<br />      iframe.name = name;<br />    }<br />    iframe.width = '0';<br />    iframe.height = '0';<br />    iframe.style.display = 'none';<br />    iframe.scrolling = 'no';<br />    iframe.src = 'about:blank';<br />    document.body.appendChild(iframe);<br />    return iframe;<br />  };<br />  return true;<br />}<br />xajax_extend();</code></p>
 <p> </p>

   <p>  save to /xajax_0.2.4/tests/uploadTest.php</p><p>  Code:<code><?php<br />// set the defalut char encoding here if you don't not want to use UTF-8<br />//define("XAJAX_DEFAULT_CHAR_ENCODING" , 'gbk'); // set before the require file<br />error_reporting(0);<br />require_once("../xajaxExtend.php");<br />function testForm($formData)<br />{<br />  $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();<br />  $objResponse->addAlert("This is from the regular function");<br />  return test2ndFunction($formData, $objResponse);<br />}<br />function test2ndFunction($formData, $objResponse)<br />{<br />  $objResponse->addAlert("formData: " . print_r($formData, true));<br />  $objResponse->addAlert("$_FILES: " . print_r($_FILES, true));<br />  $objResponse->addAssign("submittedDiv", "innerHTML", nl2br(print_r($formData, true)));<br />  return $objResponse->getXML();<br />}<br />//$xajax = new xajax();<br />$xajax = new xajaxExtend;<br />$xajax->statusMessagesOn();<br />if(strtoupper(trim($xajax->sEncoding)) != 'UTF-8' )<br />{<br />  $xajax->decodeUTF8InputOn();<br />}<br />$xajax->registerFunction("testForm");<br />$xajax->processRequests();<br />header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=".$xajax->sEncoding);<br />?><br /><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"<br />    "http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xhtml1-20000126/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><br /><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><br /><head><br /><meta HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=<?php print $xajax->sEncoding ?>"><br /><title>Catch-all Function Test | xajax Tests</title><br /><?php $xajax->printJavascript("../") ?><br /></head><br /><body><br /><h2><a href="index.php">xajax Tests</a></h2><br /><h1>file uploading Test</h1><br /><form id="testForm1" onsubmit="return false;"><br /><p><input type="text" id="textBox1" name="textBox1" value="This is some text" /></p><br /><p><input type="file" id="textBox2" name="somefile" /></p><br /><p><input type="file" id="textBox3" name="otherfile" /></p><br /><p><input type="submit" value="Submit Normal" onclick="xajax.call('testForm', [xajax.getFormValues('testForm1')]); return false;" /></p><br /></form><br /><hr /><br /><form id="testForm2" onsubmit="return xajax.upload('testForm', 'testForm2');" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"><br /><p><input type="text" name="textBox1" value="This is some text2" /></p><br /><p><input type="file" name="somefile" /></p><br /><p><input type="file" name="otherfile" /></p><br /><p><input type="submit" value="upload" /></p><br /></form><br /><hr /><br /><form id="testForm3" ><br /><p><input type="text" name="textBox1" value="This is some text3" /></p><br /><p><input type="file" name="somefile" /></p><br /><p><input type="file" name="otherfile" /></p><br /><p><input type="submit" value="upload" /></p><br /></form><br /><script>xajax.$('testForm3').onsubmit = function(){xajax.upload('testForm', this.id)};</script><br /><hr /><br /><form id="testForm4" ><br /><p><input type="text" name="textBox1" value="This is some text4" /></p><br /><p><input type="file" name="somefile" /></p><br /><p><input type="file" name="otherfile" /></p><br /><p><input type="submit" value="upload" onclick="xajax.upload('testForm', 'testForm4')" /></p><br /></form><br /><hr /><br /><div id="submittedDiv"></div><br /></body><br /></html></code></p></p><p>  then open the url http://xxxx/xajax_0.2.4/test/uploadTest.php in your browser for demo.</p><p>  来源:<a href="http://community.xajaxproject.org/viewtopic.php?id=1709">http://community.xajaxproject.org/viewtopic.php?id=1709</a></p></p>