
时间:2008-5-31    作者:Deri    分类: 分享

   <p>  函数count()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  计算一变量中元素的个数</p><p>  int count (mixed var);</p><p>  Returns the number of elements in var , which is typically an array (since anything else will have one element).</p><p>  Returns 0 if the variable is not set.</p><p>  Returns 1 if the variable is not an array.</p><p>  函数current()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  传回数组指针目前所指的元素</p><p>  mixed current (array array);</p><p>  Each array variable has an internal pointer that points to one of its elements. In addition, all of the elements in the array are linked by a bidirectional linked list for traversing purposes. The internal pointer points to the first element that was inserted to the array until you run one of the functions that modify that pointer on that array.</p><p>  The current() function simply returns the array element that's currently being pointed by the internal pointer. It does not move the pointer in any way. If the internal pointer points beyond the end of the elements list, current() returns false.</p><p>  函数each()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  返回数组中下一对key/value的值</p><p>  array each (array array);</p><p>  Returns the current key/value pair from the array array and advances the array cursor. This pair is returned in a four-element array, with the keys 0 , 1 , key , and value . Elements 0 and key each contain the key name of the array element, and 1 and value contain the data.</p><p>  Example 1. each() examples</p>
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   <code>$foo = array( "bob", "fred", "jussi", "jouni" ); $bar = each( $foo );<br />$bar now contains the following key/value pairs:<br />0 => 0<br />1 => 'bob'<br />key => 0<br />value => 'bob'<br />$foo = array( "Robert" => "Bob", "Seppo" => "Sepi" ); $bar = each( $foo );<br />$bar now contains the following key/value pairs:<br />0 => 'Robert'<br />1 => 'Bob'<br />key => 'Robert'<br />value => 'Bob'</code></p><p>  Example 2. Traversing $HTTP_POST_VARS with each()</p><code>echo "Values submitted via POST method:<br>";<br />while ( list( $key, $val ) = each( $HTTP_POST_VARS ) ) {<br />echo "$key => $val<br>";<br />}</code></p><p>  函数end()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  将数组中的指针移到最后一个</p><p>  end (array array);</p><p>  end() advances array 's internal pointer to the last element.</p><p>  函数key()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  从一数组中取出key</p><p>  mixed key (array array);</p><p>  key() returns the index element of the current array position.</p><p>  函数ksort()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  以key来排列一数组</p><p>  Example 1. ksort() example</p><code>$fruits = array("d"=>"lemon","a"=>"orange","b"=>"banana","c"=>"apple");<br />ksort($fruits);<br />for(reset($fruits);<br />$key = key($fruits);<br />next($fruits)) { echo "fruits[$key] = ".$fruits[$key]."<br />"; }</code></p>
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   <p>  This example would display: fruits[a] = orange fruits[b] = banana fruits[c] = apple fruits[d] = lemon</p><p>  函数list()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  用类似数组的方式去指定一整串变量的值</p><p>  Example 1. list() example</p><code><table> <tr> <th> Employee name</th><br /><th>Salary</th> </tr><br /><?php $result = mysql($conn, "SELECT id, name, salary FROM employees");<br />while (list($id, $name, $salary) = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {<br />print(" <tr><br />"."<td><a href="info.php3?id=$id">$name</a></td><br />"."<td>$salary</td><br />"." </tr><br />");<br />}<br />?><br /></table></code></p><p>  函数next()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  将数组的指向指到下一组数据</p><p>  函数pos()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  传回数组的当前的数据</p><p>  函数prev()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  传回数组的前一条的数据</p><p>  函数reset()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  数组的指针指到第一条</p><p>  函数rsort ()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  以倒序方式排列一个数组</p><p>  Example 1. rsort() example</p><code>$fruits = array("lemon","orange","banana","apple");<br />rsort($fruits);<br />for(reset($fruits); ($key,$value) = each($fruits); ) {<br />echo "fruits[$key] = ".$value."<br />";<br />}</code></p><p>  This example would display: fruits[0] = orange fruits[1] = lemon fruits[2] = banana fruits[3] = apple The fruits have been sorted in reverse alphabetical order.</p>
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   <p>  函数sizeof()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  取得一个数组的大小和元素的数目</p><p>  函数sort()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  排序数组</p><p>  Example 1. sort() example</p><code>$fruits = array("lemon","orange","banana","apple");<br />sort($fruits);<br />for(reset($fruits);<br />$key = key($fruits);<br />next($fruits)) {<br />echo "fruits[$key] = ".$fruits[$key]."<br />";<br />}</code></p><p>  This example would display: fruits[0] = apple fruits[1] = banana fruits[2] = lemon fruits[3] = orange The fruits have been sorted in alphabetical order.</p><p>  函数uasort()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  以自定义的方式排列一个数组且序列不变。</p><p>  函数uksort()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  以自定义的方式以key排列</p><p>  This function will sort the keys of an array using a user-supplied comparison function. If the array you wish to sort needs to be sorted by some non-trivial criteria, you should use this function. Example 1. uksort() example</p><code>function mycompare($a, $b) {<br />if ($a == $b) return 0;<br />return ($a > $b) ? -1 : 1;<br />}<br />$a = array(4 => "four", 3 => "three", 20 => "twenty", 10 => "ten");<br />uksort($a, mycompare);<br />while(list($key, $value) = each($a)) {<br />echo "$key: $value<br />";<br />}</code></p><p>  This example would display: 20: twenty 10: ten 4: four 3: three</p>
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   <p>  函数usort()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  以自定义的方式以value排列</p><p>  void usort (array array, function cmp_function);</p><p>  This function will sort an array by its values using a user-supplied comparison function. If the array you wish to sort needs to be sorted by some non-trivial criteria, you should use this function. Example 1. usort() example</p><code>function cmp($a,$b) {<br />if ($a == $b) return 0;<br />return ($a > $b) ? -1 : 1;<br />}<br />$a = array(3,2,5,6,1);<br />usort($a, cmp);<br />while(list($key,$value) = each($a)) {<br />echo "$key: $value<br />";<br />}</code></p><p>  This example would display: 0: 6 1: 5 2: 3 3: 2 4: 1 Obviously in this trivial case the rsort() function would be more appropriate.</p><p>  BC (Arbitrary Precision) Functions</p><p>  函数bcadd()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  Add two arbitrary precision numbers</p><p>  string bcadd (string left operand, string right operand, int [ scale ]); 左面的字符加右面的字符,返回一个字符。</p><p>  函数bccomp()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  int bccomp (string left operand, string right operand, int [ scale ]);</p><p>  左面的字符和右面的字符进行比较,如果相等的话返回0,如果左面的比右面的长返回+1,右面的比左面的长返回-1</p><p>  函数bcdiv()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  Divide two arbitrary precision numbers</p><p>  string bcdiv (string left operand, string right operand, int [ scale ]); 将左面的字符串以右面的字符串为标准分开</p><p>  函数bcmod()</p>
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   <p>  描述:</p><p>  Get modulus of an arbitrary precision number</p><p>  string bcmod (string left operand, string modulus);</p><p>  用右面的modulus操作左面的字符串</p><p>  函数bcmul()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  Multiply two arbitrary precision number</p><p>  string bcmul (string left operand, string right operand, int [ scale ]);</p><p>  Multiply the left operand by the right operand and returns the result. The optional scale sets the number of digits</p><p>  after the decimal place in the result.</p><p>  函数bcpow()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  Raise an arbitrary precision number to another.</p><p>  Raise x to the power y . The scale can be used to set the number of digits after the decimal place in the result.</p><p>  函数bcscale()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  Set default scale parameter for all bc math functions.</p><p>  string bcscale (int scale);</p><p>  This function sets the default scale parameter for all subsequent bc math functions that do not explicitly specify a scale</p><p>  parameter</p><p>  函数bcsqrt()</p><p>  描述;</p><p>  string bcsqrt (string operand, int scale);</p><p>  返回字符的平方根</p><p>  函数bcsub()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  string bcsub (string left operand, string right operand, int [ scale ]);</p><p>  将右面的字符减去左面的字符</p><p>  Calendar Functions日历功能</p><p>  函数JDToGregorian()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  string jdtogregorian (int julianday);</p><p>  将Julian日历转换成Gregorian日历</p><p>  函数GregorianToJD()</p><p>  描述:</p>
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   <p>  int gregoriantojd (int month, int day, int year);</p><p>  将Gregorian日历转换成Julian日历</p><p>  函数JDToJulian ()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  string jdtojulian (int julianday);</p><p>  将Julian Calendar转换Julian Day</p><p>  函数JulianToJD ()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  int juliantojd (int month, int day, int year);</p><p>  函数JDToJewish ()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  Converts a Julian Day Count to the Jewish Calendar</p><p>  string jdtojewish (int julianday);</p><p>  函数JewishToJD()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  Converts a date in the Jewish Calendar to Julian Day Count</p><p>  int jewishtojd (int month, int day, int year);</p><p>  函数JDToFrench()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  Converts a Julian Day Count to the French Republican Calendar</p><p>  string jdtofrench (int month, int day, int year);</p><p>  函数FrenchToJD()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  Converts a date from the French Republican Calendar to a Julian Day Count int frenchtojd (int month, int day, int year);</p><p>  函数JDMonthName ()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  Returns a month name</p><p>  string jdmonthname (int julianday, int mode);</p><p>  Mode Meaning</p><p>  0 Gregorian - apreviated</p><p>  1 Gregorian</p><p>  2 Julian - apreviated</p><p>  3 Julian</p><p>  4 Jewish</p><p>  5 French Republican</p><p>  函数JDDayOfWeek ()</p><p>  描述:</p><p>  Returns the day of the week</p><p>  mixed jddayofweek (int julianday, int mode);</p><p>  Mode Meaning</p><p>  0 returns the day number as an int (0=sunday, 1=monday, etc)</p><p>  1 returns string containing the day of week (english-gregorian)</p></p><p>  2 returns a string containing the abreviated day of week (english-gregorian)</p></p>